Saturday, June 9, 2012

Why Does an Apple a Day Keep the Doctor Away??

Aplicus Rosacea: This divine fruit has been enhancing lives for thousands and thousands of years-humans alone have been eating them as far back as 6500 BC! Can you imagine a little caveboy eating an apple his cavemom cut up for him?! 
Sadly, these days the average human only eats 65 apples in an entire year-yet there are more than 10,000 varieties of apples to try! 
So I am going to try and convince you. Lets go to one of the top killers in the world right now--CANCER. 
Cancer cells being anaerobic cannot thrive let alone survive in an oxygen environment. When the ph of the body is created by eating an alkaline diet the immune system stays strong. This leads to cells getting enough oxygen and discarding the toxic waste pervading them. How does an alkaline/oxygen diet prevent cancer? *Alkaline tissues hold 20 times more oxygen than acidic tissues. Cancer cannot live in an oxygenated atmosphere. 
Here is where Apple comes get more oxygen than any other herb or food in fresh apple juice. Drop into a cup of fresh pressed apple juice a culture of the most dangerous known disease germs to mankind-it would be dead by the time it hit the bottom! Also, put apple juice in bad water and it will kill the germs!
25% of an apple’s volume is oxygen, aha! that’s why they float!
APPLES HELP: Your Immune System (Vitamin C), Heart Disease (Flavonoids), Weight loss (Fiber and Low Calories), Cholesterol (Phenols), Tooth Decay (Anti-Bacterial), Brain/Alzheimer's (Phytonutrients), Lungs (Oxygen)

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