Though at first reading, Doctrine and Covenants 89 may seem to be simply a list of do's and don’ts about such nonspiritual topics as tobacco, alcohol, and diet, it is much more. The Lord says, “all things unto me are spiritual, and not at any time have I given unto you a law which was temporal” (D&C 29:34).
“All grain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to be the staff of life, …
“All grain is good for the food of man; as also the fruit of the vine; …
“Nevertheless, wheat is for man” (D&C 89:10–14, 16–17).
We already looked at the marvelous healing powers of Wheatgrass earlier (see Ode to Wheatgrass), and there is so much more in the Wheat 'Realm of Consciousness'!! Buckle Up!!!In Verse 17 of Section 89 it says that "All grain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to be the staff of life and to also be used to make mild drinks." You want to know what this mild drink is?? It is NOT beer ;) , but a mild fermentation process containing no alcohol-- called Rejuvelac.
2 cups sprouted organic soft spring wheat berriesfiltered water
cheesecloth (or a sprouting screen)
half gallon jar (or two quart size jars)
This tonic was popularized by Ann Wigmore, the first of American practical nutritionists to recognize the importance of enzymes and lacto-fermented food in the diet. Rejuvelac should be yellowish, cloudy and tart, without being too sour, and slightly carbonated.Place wheat berries in a 2-quart glass jar. Fill with water and cover top with cheesecloth held in place by a rubber band. Soak at room temperature for 8 to 10 hours. Drain through the cheesecloth, rinse and drain again. Place jar at an angle and leave for 2 days, rinsing two to three times per day, while the berries begin to sprout. After 2 days, rinse thoroughly and fill jar with water. Soak 48 hours. Pour off the rejuvelac and store in a glass container in the refrigerator. A layer of white foam may form at the top, which should be gently lifted off with a spoon.
A second batch may be made by filling the jar and soaking for 24 hours; and a third batch, by filling again and soaking another 24 hours. After that the berries will be spent and may be put outside for the birds.
- Fermented food is filled with enzymes. Rejuvelac is THE enzyme drink!
- Enzymes are life lengthening!
- The pro-biotics help the process of fermentation in foods so yes, you can make your own nut cheese and yogurt easily
- Rejuvelac is a pre-digested food. This means that proteins are broken down into amino acids and carbohydrates into simple sugars. All nutrients are assimilated very soon after drinking without loss of energy.
- Drinking rejuvelac helps digestion and is a very effective cure for stomach and colon problems.
- Use Rejuvelac instead of water in your smoothies and drink some glasses in between meals to cleanse your colon, flush your system and to gain energy.
- Rejuvelac is a natural pro-biotic: the enzymes help the friendly bacteria such as lactobacillus bifidus to grow.
- Your colon becomes cleaner by drinking rejuvelac every day: it prevents sludge to collect on the colon walls.
- The cleaner your colon, the less chance diseases will arise and the healthier you will be.
- Rejuvelac is a rich source of B vitamins, vitamine E and K.
- And last but not least: it is very easy and cheap to make!
If you don't have food storage/backup yet, or if you wheat your staple??? If the world ended could rely on your Sprouted Wheat, Wheatgrass and Rejuvelac to save your life.
AMEN. lol