"Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food." -Hippocrates

Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
The Root of All Disease
Constipation is the root of all disease, therefore let us take the time to exercise, correct our posture, drink plenty of distilled water and fresh juices, and eat wholesome, living foods that will aid our bowels to serve us more perfectly. *Dr. Christopher's Lower Bowel Formula (Fen LB)*
Barberry bark, Cascara sagrada bark, Cayenne, Ginger, Goldenseal root, Lobelia herb and/or seeds, Red Raspberry leaves, Turkey rhubarb root, and Fennel.

Barberry bark, Cascara sagrada bark, Cayenne, Ginger, Goldenseal root, Lobelia herb and/or seeds, Red Raspberry leaves, Turkey rhubarb root, and Fennel.

Monday, January 24, 2011
This dessert does some serious good for your body...and soul...
*Coconut Shreds
*Coconut Oil (A good fat your body NEEDS)
*Almond Butter (Peanut Butter is not the best for you...better to switch it out...
*Honey/Agave Nectar/Maple Syrup
*Real Vanilla
Become even more SUPER by adding SUPERFOODS! Such as Mulberries, Goji Berries, Yacon, or Maca! (Incan Warriors would take Maca before they went into battle for added energy and strength)
Cucumber H'orderves
Talk about yum! Quite quick (<- say that fast)!
~Cucumbers make an eye catching base, where you can then pile all sORrts of goods...
I used:
Basil Pesto, (you can use any spread..hummus for one is marvelous)
Alfalfa Sprouts,
Flax Crackers.
Basil Pesto:
Basil, Pine Nuts, Olive Oil, Garlic, Lemon, Lemon Zest, Nutritional Yeast. But thats just what I did... Also really good with Sun-dried Tomatoes!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Portobello Pizza
Okay I used this recipe, and from there tweaked it to my liking. http://friendseat.com/Raw-Portobello-Mushroom-Pizza-Recipe
My little brother, -who detests anything healthy- saw this, and seeing how it actually looked like pizza, decided to give it a try. Praise the heavens!, he utterly loved it. I gladly gave him the better portion of my hard earned dinner.
On another note, the Mushrooms can get a bit pricey.. so if you are not feeling the splurge, I would suggest a homemade flax crust instead...still ochen vkusna (that means 'very tasty' in russian!).
Though not necessarily visually stunning like certain fruits, the humble mushroom deserves a big hug. Mushrooms are among the most medicinal of all foods; no matter what the disease, chances are that there is a mushroom that can help prevent or treat it.
Its a FUNGUS!?--crazily, its an organism that grows without seeds, leaves, flower or even roots. They are an excellent source of protein, fiber, vitamin C, B vitamins (a vegetarian must), calcium and minerals. About 50 of the species are poisenous.
Then there are the medicinal mushrooms, comprising another 50 species. These nutritional powerhouses have been found to:
*Protect heart health *Lower the risk of cancer *Boost immune function *Reduce high cholesterol *Fight off viruses, bacteria and fungi *Reduce inflamation *Combat allergies *Help balance blood sugar levels *Support the body's detoxification mechanisms *Help fight blood clots
Their nutritional prowess has been known for centuries. Ancient Egyptians and Asians used mushrooms to create a sacred longevity tonic, and the 5,000-year-old "Ice Man" found in Europe was found with dried mushrooms in his medicine kit.
My little brother, -who detests anything healthy- saw this, and seeing how it actually looked like pizza, decided to give it a try. Praise the heavens!, he utterly loved it. I gladly gave him the better portion of my hard earned dinner.
On another note, the Mushrooms can get a bit pricey.. so if you are not feeling the splurge, I would suggest a homemade flax crust instead...still ochen vkusna (that means 'very tasty' in russian!).
Its a FUNGUS!?--crazily, its an organism that grows without seeds, leaves, flower or even roots. They are an excellent source of protein, fiber, vitamin C, B vitamins (a vegetarian must), calcium and minerals. About 50 of the species are poisenous.
Then there are the medicinal mushrooms, comprising another 50 species. These nutritional powerhouses have been found to:
*Protect heart health *Lower the risk of cancer *Boost immune function *Reduce high cholesterol *Fight off viruses, bacteria and fungi *Reduce inflamation *Combat allergies *Help balance blood sugar levels *Support the body's detoxification mechanisms *Help fight blood clots
Their nutritional prowess has been known for centuries. Ancient Egyptians and Asians used mushrooms to create a sacred longevity tonic, and the 5,000-year-old "Ice Man" found in Europe was found with dried mushrooms in his medicine kit.
Cacao Krispie Treats
~Cacao was used by ancien civilizations as currency and was seen as a 'food for the gods.' The medicinal value of Cacao lies in its ablility to treat patients with a variety of disease. Improving digestion, stimulates kidney and bowel function, and to name a few-aids recovery from anemia, fatige, fever, low sex drive, poor appetite, and low breast milk production.~
Meh...who measures anyways???
*Cashew Butter (or crushed/food processed..butter just makes it so creamy dreamy!)
*Real Vanilla
*Cacao Powder
*Honey/Agave Nectar/Maple Syrup (I combine for an all around sweetness)
*Salt (just a dash!)
*Soaked-then-Dehydrated Buckwheat Grouts (I make these in bulk to keep on hand..cause honestly they keep for infinity, and you can put them in eeeeverything! -granola bars, cereal, salads, etc)
--Other fun additions can be Carob Powder, Cacao Nibs, Cocoa Powder, Dried Blueberries...la la la possibilities are endless! You just gotta give it a go!
Also, you can delete the Buckwheat Grouts and have a simple chocolate bliss to enjoy...Mmmm!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Monsieur Kidney
The urinary tract--which pumps, filters, and eliminates the more than 60 quarts of fluid that pass through normal kidneys in a single day. Of the 60 quarts of fluid that are extracted by the kidneys each 24 hours, approximately two quarts are eliminated as urine; the rest is filtered and returned to the bloodstream for circulation throughout the body. The kidneys--each containing two to four million filter mechanisms--filter approximately a quart of blood every minute. That means all the blood in the body passes through the kidneys once every seven minutes. To accomplish this task, the kidneys need to be in premium health.
Wanna help those hard workers in your body?? JUNIPER BERRIES AND PARSLEY.
Wanna help those hard workers in your body?? JUNIPER BERRIES AND PARSLEY.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Constipation is the Root of 90% of ALL Disease
Found this in my studies today...
"more than 90 percent of all disease is caused by congestion in the colon. The commonplace American diet of processed foods causes the bowel to weaken, creating pockets and balloons filled with old fecal matter. Dried, compacted matter builds up on the walls of the colon, becoming hard incrustations that soak up fluid; most people have pounds of this matter, which interferes with the body's ability to absorb nutrients." --Dr. Christpher, An Herbal Legacy
Things that DO help, tips I really like and are not habit forming:
Mild Constipation-More water!, Red Raspberry Tea, Exercise, Greens, Fiber (primarily chia/flax seeds), Apple Cider Vinegar, Probiotics
More Severe-Dr. Christopher's Lower Bowel Formula, 30 minutes+ intense Cardio (Running especially), Aloe Vera, and Prune Juice.
These are some bowel "foods" that work as stimulating the peristaltic muscles as a healing laxative. Cool huh??
"more than 90 percent of all disease is caused by congestion in the colon. The commonplace American diet of processed foods causes the bowel to weaken, creating pockets and balloons filled with old fecal matter. Dried, compacted matter builds up on the walls of the colon, becoming hard incrustations that soak up fluid; most people have pounds of this matter, which interferes with the body's ability to absorb nutrients." --Dr. Christpher, An Herbal Legacy
Things that DO help, tips I really like and are not habit forming:
Mild Constipation-More water!, Red Raspberry Tea, Exercise, Greens, Fiber (primarily chia/flax seeds), Apple Cider Vinegar, Probiotics
More Severe-Dr. Christopher's Lower Bowel Formula, 30 minutes+ intense Cardio (Running especially), Aloe Vera, and Prune Juice.
These are some bowel "foods" that work as stimulating the peristaltic muscles as a healing laxative. Cool huh??
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Something to Chew On...if it's Not Good for you, DON'T SWALLOW!
[Eating raw food] your soul will shout for joy and triumph over all misery of life. For the first time you will feel a vibration of vitality through your body (like a slight electric current) that shakes you delightfully.” Arnold Ehret, Mucusless Diet Healing System (Benedict Lust Public., NY, 1970)
“I wake up feeling clear and energized in the morning ... What is most profound for me about this light eating pattern is the flow of cosmic energy I feel coursing through my body. ... During the day it feels as if joy is simply running through every cell independent of external factors.”------Gabriel Cousens, M.D. (rawfood medical doctor), Conscious Eating (North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA, 2000)
"Cooking is not a requirement for healthy eating. I found such amazing health results as an outcome of [raw food] that there was no turning back. Protein is found in the nucleus of all living cells. We know of no such condition as protein deficiency. Almost all conditions in the Western hemisphere are conditions of excess, not of deficiency."
- DOUGLAS GRAHAM, chiropractor, founder Healthful Living International, 100 per cent raw for 30 years, Key Largo, Florida
Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. -Helen Keller
In a Native American story a grandfather tells his grandson that two wolves are battling inside him; one ferocious and destructive, the other gentle and powerful. When the child anxiously asks, "Grandfather, which of them will win?" he replies, "Whichever one I feed."
In a Native American story a grandfather tells his grandson that two wolves are battling inside him; one ferocious and destructive, the other gentle and powerful. When the child anxiously asks, "Grandfather, which of them will win?" he replies, "Whichever one I feed."
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”- Author Unknown
“In general, mankind, since the improvement in cookery, eats twice as much as nature requires.” - Benjamin Franklin
“While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.” - Ben Franklin
“To insure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.” - William Londen
Have the raw courage to stand out. The great vice of the ages is conformity.
The time has come when every individual must rise from the slumber of indifference, from the orthodox complacency of the standard rules and regulations of society, and reach out, pioneering new fields of beautiful, ethical and spiritual progress. It is now time to experience the incredible majesty of living. -David Wolfe
"Medicine in our country has been on a crusade over the last 100 years to wipe out every other form of medicine. One of the things they did that was unique was they lobbied to make words legal only for them to use. Today in the US, only a medical doctor can diagnose a disease, prescribe something, and cure you. Nobody else can say "diagnose", "prescribe" and "cure". That means that nobody can cure you but a medical doctor….I can’t say "Chaparral is the cure for a tumour". I can’t say garlic is the cure for cholestrol or high blood pressure. They have made the laws. So that makes me look stupid, impotent, and it makes the herbs look weak and wimpy.
I can’t as a herbalist, say that an herb will cure, even though a lot of prescription drugs are made from herbs.
This was a tactic by organized medicine to wipe out the opposition, by making them look silly and impotent…they have the words…they control the high ground. They can walk out and say, "Yes, if you take this drug, you will cure yourself." But they hired lawyers and got the government behind them. If I say that I go to jail. It isn’t because the herbs don’t work and the drugs are better, it’s just because they have more money, they lobbied more and got the law passed in their favour. That is why people get this idea that herbs don’t cure you."—Dick Shulze, N.D. M.H.
I can’t as a herbalist, say that an herb will cure, even though a lot of prescription drugs are made from herbs.
This was a tactic by organized medicine to wipe out the opposition, by making them look silly and impotent…they have the words…they control the high ground. They can walk out and say, "Yes, if you take this drug, you will cure yourself." But they hired lawyers and got the government behind them. If I say that I go to jail. It isn’t because the herbs don’t work and the drugs are better, it’s just because they have more money, they lobbied more and got the law passed in their favour. That is why people get this idea that herbs don’t cure you."—Dick Shulze, N.D. M.H.
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